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The Christmas Chronicles: What a nice surprise this film was.

I should start this review by saying today was my works Christmas meal so I am currently extremely tipsy (aka pissed out my face) so apologies for any spelling mistakes or badly worded sentences, as if I ever spell check these things. I also apologise if this is short but its wednesday, i'm drunk and I have work tomorrow so shove it. Anyway 'The Christmas Chronicles' (2018) was a lovely surprise of a film. The film follows Kate (Darby Camp) and Teddy (Judah Lewis), a brother and sister who used to love Christmas until their father died. But they manage to catch Santa (Kurt Russell) in the act and sneak until his sleigh. This causes Santa to crash the sleigh and lose his reindeer, his presents and his hat which gives him his magic. It is then up to the three of them to retrieve Santa's lost items and save Christmas.

This film is a lot of stupid city. There are a lot of sequences that are genuinely ridiculous, even in a film with Santa as a main character. The most obvious part of the film to point out in regards to this is when Santa is in jail and pulls a whole band out his arse so he can have a musical scene. Its proper silly but, fuck it, its fun so who cares. This sentiment can be said about a whole lot of the film. This film is genuinely ridiculous throughout, but all the actors and film makers seem to be having a great time with it which gives the whole film a great sense of fun so I didn't care at all. They were having fun. I was having fun. Everyone is happy. However, I will say a big fuck off to the Elves in this film who were basically a ripoff of minions. If you like minions you'll love them. As for me thye can fucking do one.

Everyone's performance in this film is genuinely great. There are only three performances worth mentioning in this review (thank fuck because I'm bloody knackered) and those are the performances of Darby Camp, Judah Lewis and Kurt Russell. Darby Camp and Judah Lewis both put in great performances in the film. Due to their age, especially in the case of Darby Camp, and their huge involvement as the protagonists in the film if their performances weren't up to scratch the film would be fucking cack. But they both manage to capture the emotion needed for the roles as well as the sense of fun that is prevalent throughout the film and I was really impressed with both performances. Asfor Kurt Russell, he puts in one of my favourite Santa performances of all time. His kind of don't give a shit, to school for school portrayal of Santa is bloody class, and Kurt Russell seems to be having an absolute blast playing he character. The film is worth watching just for him to be honest.

This review may be a shit ramblings of a drunk and tired man, but this film is definitely of higher quality. The performances are brilliant throughout, especially in the case of Kurt Russell who puts in a genuinely fantastically entertaining performance in which he enhances every scene he is in. This film is just a whole bunch of fun, which came as a huge surprise to me as I had the greatest feeling the film would be absolute shit. But its not. I had a lot of fun with it. I definitely recommend it for this Christmas period, especially as they have announced a sequel will be coming (gasp). But in all seriosness give rhe film a watch. You'll have a silly fun time.

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