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The Muppet Christmas Carol: Had to be my favourite Christmas film for Christmas day.

I've done it! I've survived! I reviewed a Christmas film every day from December 1st until the big day itself. I've been through it all, films I've loved, films I've loathed, nice surprises and genuine torture. It has been a journey, and there was no way I was going to end this particular journey without visiting my favourite Christmas film, 'The Muppet Christmas Carol' (1992). I love this film, and I know I am not the only one. This film is still shown on the TV every Christmas and I tend to watch it most years. It also happens to be the 5th film based on 'A Christmas Carol' that I have reviewed this month. So, for one last time, are you ready to go through the plot of this film? All together now! The film follows Ebenezer Scrooge (Michael Caine), a grouchy and bitter old man who has a hatred for Christmas. One Christmas Eve he is visited by the ghosts of his former work colleagues Jacob and Robert Marley, who warn him that if he doesn't change his ways he is doomed to eternal damnation. They tell him that he wil be three spirits, the Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future who will help him see the error of his ways. As they said, Scrooge is paid a visit by the spirits who take Scrooge through Christmases throughout his life and help him find a love nd appreciation of the holiday. Oh, and 95% of the Characters are Muppets, go figure.

The first thing to mention is that this is not the best adaptation of 'A Christmas Carol' for being an accurate and pure adaptation. And before you say it, no its not just because there are Muppets in it. It does follow the original story pretty closely, but one major plot point is missing and that is the part about Scrooge's sister. She isn't even mentioned in this version. His nephew does make an appearance as he does in the original story but the main meat of that story is abandoned. So yeah, it isn't the best 'adaptation' but god damn is it my favourite. Its just so charming. Rewatching it, despite having seen it several times before, I just couldn't wipe the smile of my face. A big beam from cheek to cheek. If I'd have been watching it with other people I'd have probably looked a bit psycho. But I ca't help t. The whole film just oozes charm. The comedy is charming, the characters are charming, the sets and costumes are charming and, of course, the Muppets are charming. All the music in the film is great too, although some songs are more memorable than others. This film also has my favourite versions of the spirits in any adaptation. The design of all three is great and they match the tone of their sequences brilliantly. The film doesn't break any new ground when it comes to its filmic techniques and style, but it doesn't need to. It is carried by the joyous tone it has throughout.

There is only one human performance in this film worth talking about and that is Michael Caine as Scrooge. Now, having watched this again with a bit more of a critical eye, I don't think his performance is as good as I remember it being. He definitely has its moments where he is great. Three instances of this are when he is talking about his Christmases at boarding school as a boy. Here he gets across a sense of denial before slipping into acceptance of how lonely who was and the sadness shines through. The next moment is his interaction with the Ghost of Christmas future. He portrays the fear of Scrooge brilliantly and his desperation is clear in the performance. And then, finally, his performance of the new and joyous Scrooge is great. His pure joy and happiness fully shines through. Apart from these sequences I think his performance is just middle of the road and there are plenty of moments where he seems to have no emotion at all. But I also need to give him props for putting in a performance like this acting across from Muppets, And speaking of Muppets, the voice actors and muppeteers are as good as ever. All the Muppets have their own distinct personality and characteristics, and you forget that they are not real in this world that the film creates, and to that I say bravo!

'The Muppets Christmas Carol' may be more flawed than I had remembers, but it has the benefit of my nostalgia and the fact that it will charm your fucking arse off. As I said before, I had a huge smile on my face throughout the film and I think that's all you really need to know about it. Of course I recommend it, but I'd make a bet that you have probably seen it already. If you have no harm in watching it again! So, all that is left for me to say is that I hope you have/are having/ have had a brilliant Christmas and I will be back with more film reviews in the new year. Merry Christmas!

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