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Contagion: Not a fun watch during a global pandemic.

Here is a film that has a had a huge resurgence due to recent events. I had never heard of 'Contagion' (2011) 2 months ago and now it is all over the place. When I started to do these reviews I knew I would be sitting myself down to give this one a watch. I'm glad I didn't watch it first thing as I may have been put off carrying on these reviews. Not because the film is bad, but because of how eerily it matches up with the current COVID-19 situation. The film follows an assemble cast who are all effected in different ways by a new, deadly virus. We follow characters from all walks of life and who have different levels of involvement in the fight against the new virus. We follow normal citizens, scientists, conspiracy theorists and government officials and see how all these groups lives are affected by a global epidemic.

I mentioned how eerie this film was in regards to current world events and I really meant it. From the viruses genesis to how it is spread, talk of social distancing, stockpiling, conspiracy theorists gaining prominence in the media, it is all hear in this film. This no doubt adds an extra level of tension and unease to the whole film that was maybe would not be there if you watched this during normal times. That isn't to say the film isn't tense because it is, and it doe a really good job of ramping up that tension throughout. It is a story that does have the danger of becoming stale and could have dissolved into scientists talking science mumbo jumbo for an hour and a half, but the narrative structure of the film alleviates this. By showing several characters stories throughout, the film is able to keep a good pace. It is also a narrative structure that, if done badly, could lead to confusion or loss of narrative but the film manages to keep a keen focus on what is happening and where and who they are happening too. The film is clever in its narrative storytelling. When it comes to the filmmaking of the film it is done solidly if not extravagantly. The film ever tries to push the boat out with weird camera angles or editing styles. It is very much your formulaic hollywood style film at least in how it looks. This is not a negative of the film as the filmmaking is still very good and works for the type of story it is telling. It is also a film that focuses on its assemble cast, and I can tell you know that this is one good ensemble cast.

Going into this film I only knew a few of the actors who starred in it. This mean that the first 25 minutes of the film was me mainly going thinking ' Is that so and so?' over and over again. Here is a rundown of the faces who make up the cast in this film. Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow and Laurence Fishburne were the actors I knew were in the fim, but they are joined by Jude Law, Marion Cotillard, Kate Winslet, Elliot Gould and Bryan Cranston, and these were just the actors who I recognised. I am sure that there are several more big names who I have missed. It is a stellar cast full of actors who I really like, and they all do a great job. Some of them have a lot more screen time than others, but even those who are only in the film fleetingly do a very good job. My particular standouts are Fishburne and Law (despite Law's attempts at an AUstralian accent) and the scene that heir two characters share is one of my favourite in the film. One problem that can occur in assemble casts is the audience feel safe as 'there is no way any of these big name actors are in danger'. Well I can reveal that this film does have the balls to kill off these characters on more than one occasion, and in brutal and quite upsetting style.

'Contagion' was not a very fun watch I can't lie. I don't think it would be a 'fun' watch under normal circumstances, but with everything going on it does have an added edge of 'not fun'. That isn't to say I didn't think it was a good film because it is. It is well shot and edited, and has a great narrative structure that manages to keep you hooked throughout. It also has a great cast that all do a really good job in their respective roles. It is a very much a standard Hollywood film and doesn't off anything all that new or exciting filmmaking wsie, but this isn't a problem on the whole. When it comes to recommending this film I have to put a caveat. If you are in a situation where the current situation is really upsetting for you and causing you significant stress and anxiety then don't watch this film, it will not help in relieving that stress. If you are doing okay while in lockdown then I would recommend it, mostly to make the comparisons between the narrative of this film and the narrative of the real world.

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