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The Jurassic Dead: I have seen hell and it is this film.

I saw this film on Amazon Prime only yesterday and immediately knew I had to watch it. I also knew it would be terrible but with a title like that it at least had to be terrible fun, right? That is all I expected from this film, that it was at least a little fun. I didn't even get that. 'The Jurassic Dead' (2017), or 'Z-Rex: The Jurassic Dead' or Zombiesaurus' (I've noticed that these piece of shit films usually have more than one title) is easily one of the worst I have ever seen on every level. Of course, I kind of knew this was going to be the case before I put it on, but I thought it would at least be so bad its good. The problem is the film is trying to be so bad it is good and in doing so becomes just plain shit. A stain on cinema. There is nothing redeeming. Everything is horrible. The narrative is almost incomprehensible, the script is possibly the worst I have ever seen or heard, the framing and shot composition is a joke and the lighting and sound make it impossible to see or hear clearly most of the time. The film also has some of the most laughable green screen you have ever seen and both the special effects and practical effects look like they were made in an afternoon (probably because it was). The acting isn't worth mentioning, it is as terrible as you would expect. There is very little else I can say. Everything is shit. I have nothing good to say about it. I came into this film with the lowest of expectations and I still was disappointed. Avoid it like the plague. That's it. That is all I have to say about this abomination. I'll be back tomorrow with something better. I'm not sure how anything I watch could be worse.

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