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Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero: Hated it. That is all.

'Cabin Fever 3: Patient Zero' (2014) is a horrendous turd and I wish to wipe it from my memory as soon as possible. 'Cabin Fever' (2002) was a decent horror flick and 'Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever' (2009) is an absolute cluster fuck but it is at least a fun ride. This film is just pure cack. Dull as shit, ugly as shit and acted like shit. I hate it. The film is a prequel to the original film and shows how the disease originated. It opens with Porter (Sean Astin) being quarantined in a secret underground lab as he is the only asymptomatic carrier of the disease. His son has been killed by the disease and his anger about this and his imprisonment shows him threatening to spread the disease. As this is going on we are introduced to Marcus (Mitch Ryan) who is soon to be married in the Caribbean. His brother, best friend and his brother's girlfriend have all travelled to see him get married and take him for a surprise bachelor party to a nearby deserted island. When one of the group, Penny (Jillian Murray) starts to show symptoms of the flesh eating disease they go looking for help and stumble across the laboratory where Porter is being held, unwittingly releasing the disease upon the world.

I will say that, like in the two prior films, the practical effects in this film are still pretty good although it never reaches the heights of gross quite like the other two films did. However, this is where the positives of the film start and end. Every other aspect of this is an absolute shit show and I hated every moment of it. The first hour of this trainwreck is an absolute drag, mostly because i could not begin to give a shit about the narrative or these shitty, shitty characters all of which I fucking hated and wanted to see die. It also didn't help that this film is ugly as sin. The cinematography is some of the worst I have seen and the shot composition is an absolute joke more often than not. The lighting is terrible and the amount of lens flares had me thinking J.J. Abrams was stood just off set. The script is also awful and the film has some of the worst dialogue you'll ever hear. Its hard to say much more about it, it is just pure shit. The last 30 minutes go off the rails and it did sometimes drift into so bad its good territory, but it soon put paid to that idea and become dull again.

The acting in the film is as bad as you would imagine it being. Now, it isn't absolutely atrocious (for the most part) but no one puts in a good performance or even decent performance. It is unsurprising that the only person of any note, Sean Astin, puts in the best performance out of the shit performances. He isn't good in the film but god is he trying and he does have a couple of strong moments. On the other end of the scale is Solly Duran as Camilla. This performance is so unbelievably wooden and has some of the worst line reads you ever did hear. It often strayed into hilarity that is how bad it was. All the other actors kind of fall in between these two. No one is good but no one puts in a performance so bad it is worth making note of.

This is one of the shortest reviews I have ever done and its because there is just nothing to say about this piece of crap. Other than the practical effects there is absolutely nothing worthy of anyone's time. It is an atrocious piece of shit and a film I wish I had never had the displeasure of sitting through. Avoid it like you would avoid the flesh eating virus it is about. Pure shit.

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