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Alien: This review is a shit, drunk mess. I'll do it again tomorrow.

Right, so here's the thing. I am currntly wirking from home and so spend my day doing my job, leabving my evenigns the only time to watch a film and review it. This evenign I decided to spend my time on zoom speaking to and getting drunk with my frinds becuase it is quite lonely in lockdown on your own. As a result this review is short as I am rushing to get it out efrore 12. Fortuntaley, Alien (1979) is a film most of you will have already seen and a film thta is salmost perfect. Everything about this film is brillaint. From the production design to the driextion and zctign everything is done masterfully. There are a couple mooments where it seems a bit silly and can be kind of funny, but the atmosphere and suspene it creatdes throughout more than negates these silly moments. It is probably Ridley Scott's best film even with al the great films he has made and is deinately a recomedn from me. I'm sorry for the short and shit review. I will redo it tomorrow.

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