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Persona: I just saw something quite special.

If you love films I would recommend checking out CineFix on YouTube. They are not just a great source for film knowledge but are also brilliant for introducing you to a world of new films you may have never thought about watching. I bring them up as it is because of them that I was first introduced to today's film, 'Persona' (1966). I was, of course, aware of Ingmar Bergman but this particular film of his was not one I knew of, and the way CineFix would continually reference it and gush over it made it stick in my mind as one to watch. Well, let's just say that their gushing was warranted. The film follows Alma (Bibi Anderson), a young nurse who has been tasked with looking after a suddenly mute actress, Elisabet Vogler (Liv Ullmann). Secluded in a holiday home by the sea, the two find that their personae are slowly becoming intertwined.

Straight out of the gate I think it is fair to say this film is pretty spectacular. On a technical level, it is marvelous. The direction is almost faultless, with every shot and camera movement adding to the film's ambiance and mood. Not just this, but Bergman is also not afraid to be experimental with his filmmaking, and this film shows this. He messes around with space and location, with certain scenes making you unsure as to where characters are in relation to each other, and in doing this he creates a rather uncomfortable feeling that is there throughout this whole film. This is helped by a brilliant score by Lars Johan Werle which captures the mood and tone of the film superbly. I also love the production design of the film due to the simplicity of it. This simplicity allows the focus to remain on the characters without the set or background distracting you. This is also helped by the film being in black and white. All the superficial aspects of the film are stripped away leaving us to focus on the characters and their relationship, and this relationship is captured perfectly by the performances of Bibi Anderson and Liv Ullmann. Bibi Anderson is simply faultless in my opinion, giving a deeply complex performance where she runs the gamut of emotion. There is one scene in particular where she has a monologue about an affair she was involved in which is utterly captivating and her performance throughout is marvelous. Anderson may steal the spotlight since she has the majority of the dialogue to work with, but Ullmann puts in a just as compelling performance. As her character is mute her performance is all done in body language and my god does she do a fantastic job. She captures as much emotion as Anderson does without opening her mouth. The two also have fantastic chemistry which is never a bad thing.

I can't say I am an expert on Ingmar Bergman. Before 'Persona' I had only seen 'Through a Glass Darkly' (1961) and 'The Seventh Seal' (1957). I very much enjoyed both of those films and would recommend you give them a watch. However, neither reach the heights that 'Persona' does. Even just in the opening sequence you are completely gripped and intrigued. It is a brilliantly intense opening sequence that sets the tone of the film instantly. It is very much an avant-garde film that doesn't follow any real narrative structure and is not afraid to break standard filmmaking conventions. I struggle with films that become too avant-garde and experimental but this one straddles the line perfectly and I was totally engrossed in what was going on. This doesn't mean that I knew what was going on a lot of the time, but I'm not entirely sure I was meant to. The way the film is structured and shot means that you are never 100% sure about what is real and what is not, especially the longer the film goes on, but this does not deter from its brilliance. If anything it means that I almost want to watch it again straight away. And above all this, the film is just beautiful. Some of the shots in this film are stunning and could stand alone as pieces of art. I love the use of shadow and shade throughout the film, it just gives the film a stunning look. Match this with superb direction and exquisite performances and you are on to an absolute winner.

I was introduced to 'Persona' by the CineFix YouTube channel gushing about it and I am now introducing you to it with that same gushing. It is just a superb piece of filmmaking. From its direction, production design, and acing to the avant-garde nature of it, I just loved every second. I was completely engrossed and entranced by the film and I can't wait to return to it. The avant-garde nature of it means that it is not going to be for everyone, but I implore you to give it a watch regardless. It is a film that I would almost describe as a masterpiece, and I do not say that very often.

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