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3-star special

For today’s piece of writing, I thought I would talk about a rating concept that has been at the forefront of my mind for a few weeks: the 3-star special. Now, I would be lying if I said I coined this term, that credit has to go to my friend Joe, but it was something that through discussion we developed. I’m speaking about it like it is a philosophical theory which may be a slight exaggeration. You can also see I’m not giving any real clue as to what a 3-star special rating is, so let me answer all your questions.

What is a 3-star special?

HA, tricked you. I’m not going to be answering this straight away, because first of all, I need to explain what makes a film a bog-standard 3-star film so that the difference is clear. In essence, a 3-star film is a good film while not being anything special. Examples of this are films like Coach Carter (2005), A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019), and the majority of the MCU films. Well made and enjoyable films that I’m glad to have seen but don’t need to be putting myself out to see again, and because of this, it is by the far the most prevalent rating I give out. So, what makes these films different from a 3-star special? Well, while a 3-star special film may be equal in rating to these other films, where they don’t match up are in their general quality, whether that be technically, narratively, etc. In essence, this means that a 3-star special film is a film that is pretty crap but has something about it that makes it enjoyable overall. And before you say it, no it is not the same as a so bad it’s good film and I will not hear anymore of that slander. So bad they’re good films are of much lesser quality to these films, as you will see.

What films are 3-star specials?

Effectively films that for me become 3-star specials are films that aren’t very good but that are silly fun. The best examples in recent years are Venom (2018) and Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021). I don’t think I could sit down and say in all earnest that these films are good. There is more wrong than right with both of these films, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t have a ton of fun while watching them. They’re stupid but fun, and this is the essence of the 3-star special. Another recent example would be Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) and Godzilla vs. Kong (2021). Interestingly enough, both Godzilla (2014) and Kong Skull Island (2017) are also rated 3-star but do not go into 3-star special territory, whereas both the follow-ups up the ante in how ridiculous it all is. It also helps that I have a penchant for monster films with big lizards punching each other. However, none of these are the epitome of the 3-star special film. None of these have scaled the mountain and dethroned the holiest of the 3-star specials. They all lay at the feet of the king, Spider-Man 3 (2007). No film sums up what it means to be a 3-star special than this. It also has the most 3-star special scene ever devoted to cinema, which I have lovingly attached below.

Are any films on the cusp of being 3-star specials?

Yes, loads. And these films can range from about 1.5-star rating to 2.5-star, and even some of my general 3-star rated films are arguably more suited to sitting in the 3-star special category. These include films like Jurassic World (2015) and Star War: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2007) which have qualities of the 3-star special, but I feel are probably slightly better in terms of quality. As for bad films that are close to being 3-star specials, where do I even begin? In very recent memory Uncharted (2022) felt like it could very well be going the way of a 3-star special but was ultimately a little too bad for it to get to that level. You could probably throw the majority of the Friday the 13th franchise into the list of 3-star specials, and even when making this list I pondered over several films on whether they were worthy of 3-star special or if they dipped into the so bad it is good territory. Films like Die Another Day (2002) are probably just about technically proficient enough to have it be knocking on the door to be a 3-star special, but films like Jaws 3-D (1983) and Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987) are much more worthy of the so bad they’re good moniker.

Upcoming 3-star specials?

This is an impossible question to answer really. You never know exactly how much a film with the 3-star special grip is until you are sat down watching it. Like I said earlier, Uncharted was almost there, and I had high hopes for Morbius (2022) which turned out to be a steaming pile. Top Gun: Maverick (2022) and Jurassic World Dominion (2022) are probably the two coming out soon that have 3-star special energy about them, but really any film has the opportunity to join these prestigious ranks. But if any wish to overthrow Spider-Man 3 they’re going to have a tough time of it.


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