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December 11th - A Charlie Brown Christmas

The Christmas season is seen as a magical time, full of wonder, magic, and love to your neighbours. It is also happens to be a season where there are plenty of bugs floating about ready to ruin your day, and I have been unlucky enough to come down with one of these bugs. As a result I am writing this review from my bed and don't plan on making it that long. To match that I picked a short film for today's review, and that film is A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965). The film follows Charlie Brown as he tries to find the true meaning of Christmas in an increasingly commercialised world.

Despite being very aware of ‘Charlie Brown’ as a character this is the first I’ve ever seen of him. And overall I thought it was totally fine. It has a distinct charm to it, due in part to the fact that it feels a little slap dash. The animation is a little janky and the voice acting can feel a little off at times, but it adds something to the film that is very likeable. Narratively it is simple but has a good moral and has plenty of laughs along the way. It isn’t anything special bit I enjoyed it for what it is. However, looking at reviews for the film it is clear it is absolutely beloved and holds a special place in many peoples hearts. While it doesn’t hit ne like that I can totally see people loving this if they grew up with it. Is that a half arsed way of ending the review? Probably. But I’m coughing up a storm and fancy a nap so this will have to do.


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