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December 2nd - Noelle

And so, we move from somewhat of a Christmas classic to a newer addition to the endless pantheon of Christmas films, Noelle (2019). I have been aware of this film from way before it was released on Disney+, all because a billboard advertising the film was placed just behind my film and so I was made to look at Anna Kendrick and Bill Hader’s faces each and every day for several months. And despite that, it is taking me this long to get around to watching it for a Christmas review. I have considered it every single year I have been doing these, but for one reason or another, it has never happened. And after the amount of shit, I have watched for these reviews I kind of wish I had come to this film a little earlier. The film tells the story of the Kringles, mainly Nick (Bill Hader) and the titular Noelle (Anna Kendrick). After their father, who happens to be Santa, passes away the role of Santa falls onto Nick. However, he struggles under the pressure and when he runs away it is up to Noelle to find him and bring him back to the north pole in time for Christmas.

You know what, against all my better judgments and expectations I kind of enjoyed this film. It definitely isn’t great and there are plenty of things wrong with it, but overall, I think it was pretty decent. I am surprised as anyone that I think that by the way. As I say, there are issues with the film with the main being that it feels a lot like Elf (2003) in terms of its humour and a big section of its narrative. There is enough difference that it stays way away from being a rip-off, but the moments where Noelle is trying to fit into general society has the whole ‘fish out of water' moments that Elf does. It leads to a small feeling of ‘I’ve seen this before, but better’. And speaking on the humour, it doesn’t land a lot more than it does. There were a few times it managed to raise a smile, but only once did it make me laugh out loud. It is meant to be a funny moment, it is where Noelle decks it falling down a chimney, but the comedy came from the fact that it looks like Noelle smacks her head off the side and I laughed at the thought that this family Christmas film would end with the lead character unconscious and bleeding out at the bottom of the chimney (don’t look into that statement to much). In terms of the technical side of the film, it is absolutely fine without ever being brilliant. In terms of cinematography and editing, it is serviceable, but it does have some issues with the CGI that is in the film in that it never looks real. It kind of works due to the light-hearted nature of the film, but it isn’t pretty to look at.

All that being said, I still found this film kind of enjoyable for the most part. It is just really sweet and captures the idea of Christmas really well, not just with its narrative but visually. It is super colourful and feels warm throughout, and it has a message that is somewhat obvious but also works very well for the story the film is telling. However, the real reason I enjoyed this film is because of the actors in it. This is a very solid cast all doing good work, and that definitely elevates the film. Bill Hader is fun at playing this nervous wreck come zen master and although he isn’t in the film all that much, he is fun when he is. Shirley MacLaine is having fun and is a lot of fun as Elf Polly, a grumpy but motherly elf tasked with looking after Noelle. But the star of the show is Anna Kendrick. A like her a lot as an actress anyway, and this role suits her really well. She is very fun as a comedic actress, but also just seems to be one of the nicer people in the world, two attributes that come across and are needed in the role. And she is very good in that role. She is able to be comedic and has good timing with her delivery but is also able to hit the sentimental moments really well also. She is the best thing about the film and is the main reason I enjoyed it.

I realise this review has become more of an Anna Kendrick fan club than I had planned, but what can I say? She is the best part of the film overall. I am still a bit shell-shocked that I quite liked this film. It isn’t so good that I ever see myself watching it again, but I half expected to find it unbearably annoying, so I am very pleasantly surprised. If you are looking for a newer Christmas film to watch rather than re-watching older classics you could do worse than Noelle.


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