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December 8th - Santa's Slay

I am a fan of crappy slasher films. I am a fan of professional wrestling. Today’s film, Santa’s Slay (2005) happens to be a crappy slasher film starring a professional wrestler as Santa. Sign me the fuck up. I have actually been aware of this film for quite a while, although it was one of those films that lived in the back of my mind, hence why it has taken me this long to get to review it. It probably won’t be any surprise when you hear what I have to say about it. The film tells the story of two teenagers, Nicholas Yuleson (Douglas Smith) and Mary Mackenzie (Emilie de Ravin) who live in the township of Hell, who have to try to defeat Santa (Bill Goldberg) who happens to be the virgin son of Satan and has been trapped from murdering on Christmas day for the last 1000 years. Yes, really.

Obviously, I had a lot of fun watching this film. It is also obviously crap, but it knows exactly what it is and goes along with it. And also happens to not be nearly as crap as I was expecting it to be in terms of the acting and the technical side of things. It is shot decently well, the actors all do a good job with what they are given, and it absolutely delivers on the premise that it offers. I think this will end up being quite a short review because there is very little to say about this film that isn’t entirely obvious. It doesn’t take itself seriously at all, but it takes itself seriously enough that it isn’t pure shit. It can also be genuinely funny at times, and I had several proper laughs, mostly during the scenes where Santa is on his killing spree because it takes a very slapstick approach to the idea, and it executes that very well. It is also short and sweet, not overstaying its welcome. Basically, if the synopsis sounds fun to you then you will probably enjoy it because it is exactly what it says it is. There is very little else to say.


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