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Journey to Japan - 22 Weeks: School in the Crosshairs

I have been trying to vary my films and directors, but seeing Nobuhiko Obayashi made one of my favourite mental films I was more than happy to jump back in with him. And while School in the Crosshairs (1981) doesn’t reach the lofty heights of Hausu (1977) it still delivered enough visual quirkiness and narrative weirdness to have me really enjoy it. It often feels campy and if its time but my god if it doesn’t buy into that idea and run with out. It’s poppy and fun in the best kind of way, while delivering surrealist ideas and visuals that make it constantly engaging even when the narrative seems to be losing its way. A great scene to describe what this film is like is where it suddenly has a synchronised dance scene like a musical apropos of nothing. It isn’t commented on within the world of the film and it is the only time this ever happens, but within the world and mood the film makes it totally works. It could feel a little B-movie to some people but for me it absolutely works and I had a tonne of fun with it.


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