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Journey to Japan - 23 Weeks: Still Walking

Hirokazu Kore-eda is very quickly becoming one of my favourite filmmakers, and Still Walking (2008) has only enhanced my love of his work. His ability to make truly engaging and moving slice of life films is almost unparalleled, and it just so happens that those kind of films are right up my street. In the case of Still Walking it made me feel so many emotions towards each character both negatively and positively, and this shows the ultimate success of the film. The film shows a family with underlying tensions, and you understand why each character feels as they do in each moment. It allows you to jump between feeling sorry for and actively disliking these characters, but that is what makes the film feel so real and keeps it emotionally engaging. Ultimately you sense the love between these characters, and this allows for empathy when there thoughts or actions go against your own moral compass. These feel like real people and real relationships, and it is beautifully captured both through the screenplay and performances. It would also be remiss of me not to mention the beautiful cinematography which adds just another fantastic layer to the film. If you have never seen a Kore-eda film I urge you strongly to seek them out.


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