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Journey to Japan - 24 Weeks: Suzume

When it comes to Anime directors there are few as internationally renowned Makoto Shinkai after his smash hit Your Name (2016). That film made me very aware of his work and is also why I travelled to London to see Suzume (2022) upon its UK release. While it doesn’t reach the very loft heights of Your Name, Shinkai still manages to pull off a really inventive, fun, and visually stunning film that I thoroughly enjoyed. Narratively and thematically, there is quite a lot going on and I don’t feel it fully pulls off a lot of what it is going for. Despite this, the film does hold an emotional weight carried by characters who I empathised with and enjoyed spending time with. There are several big laughs throughout the film to offset some of the more serious and fantastical narrative arcs and themes that at once feel like they are very Japanese while also managing to be accessible to Western audiences. Despite the fantastical nature of the film, it also has a real human quality to it, which is helped by a really great screenplay and voice acting performances from the whole cast. But as is often the case with me and Shinkai, I am here for the visuals and this film is filled with tons of amazingly visual sequences and moments, both big and small. I love the art and animation style of his films, especially with how he creates environments that feel real, lived in, and beautiful all in equal measure. The epic nature of the narrative also allows for some really grand set pieces where the animation really shines. As with all of his films, they are a genuine visual treat so although I had minor issues with the narrative, they are almost offset by just how bloody good the film is to look at, and for that alone I would have to recommend it.


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