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Journey to Japan - 33 Weeks: Hausu

If anyone has had a conversation about films with me over the last couple of years I may very well of mentioned and recommended Hausu (1977). Since I first watched it back in 2020 there is not a single other film I have watched more, and every single time I have loved it even more than the last. And although I have recommended it to so many people, I have done this very much in the knowledge that not everyone is going to love it as I do. The main reason I recommend it is because it is unlike any other film I have ever seen, so it is you have to see it to believe it kind of situation. It is pure experimental insanity, and it is right up my street. As unconventional as the film is on the whole, at its centre, it has a really quite simple narrative set up of a group of girls going away for the summer and the house they are visiting turns out to be haunted. This straightforward narrative is what holds the film together. Despite the madness happening around you, there is always this story to hold onto and keep the film from veering off into nonsense, and its simplicity also means the film can be clearly satirical while also adding to the horror canon. And because you don’t necessarily have to think too hard about what is going on narratively you can just get lost in the bubble-gum, neon, bloody dreamscape that this film creates. Visually the film is absolutely stunning, with each frame popping with so much colour. Each set is like a whole new world to explore and has so much personality, and I absolutely love that the landscapes in many scenes are clearly painted on, but that adds to this dreamlike tone the film creates. The film's editing is so often off the wall, and it is one of the aspects that I think might put some people off. It is unconventional and often breaks continuity and if any aspect of the film would hold it back from being enjoyed this may be it. As for me, I love how creative it gets with the editing. It fits the tone of the film wonderfully and creates some really interesting and beautiful visuals which you might not see in other films. I would also be remiss to not mention the film’s score which might be my favourite aspect of the whole film. It is just wonderful. When I have recommended the film and mentioned that it is technically a horror film it has put a couple of people off. In response to that I have also said to listen to the soundtrack, as it will give you a taste of the film's tone. It is so poppy and light, and above all is just a ton of fun. The main theme is especially brilliant, and I find myself listening to it quite often. The soundtrack perfectly encapsulates the tone of the film so if you wanted to get an idea, I would advise seeking that out first. But I can’t recommend this film enough. Even if you don’t like it I can assure you that you will have never seen anything like it.

Hausu can be watched on Amazon Prime or BFI Player.


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