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Journey to Japan and Korea - 40 Weeks: Ju-On: The Grudge 2

And we’re back! The first review back I thought I would dip into a series that I am fond of but with a film that I had not seen in a long time, Ju-On: The Grudge 2 (2003). I am a huge fan Ju-On: The Grudge (2002) which I do feel is one of the most unsettling and scary films I have ever seen. My opinion on the sequel is definitely not that strong, but that isn’t to say there isn’t aspects of this film I really love. Firstly, I think one of the bigger issues I have with the film is that it goes bigger and more extreme with how it delivers its scares. While this isn’t necessarily a negative, when the film does go for its big scare set pieces they come across a little silly and took me out of the moment every time. This precedent is set from the first set piece where Toshio helps crash a car by grabbing onto a steering wheel and the way it looks is quite comedic. What I love about the first film is how simple it keeps its set pieces and this for me is far more effective. And when this film returns to that style of scare it really bloody works. There are several moments throughout that are super eerie and had my heart in my mouth and looking into the darkness of my room seeing shapes. It is in these moments where I loved this film, and it was delivering exactly what I was hoping for. However, in the attempts to up the ante and deliver a more grand horror experience the film ultimately falls a little flat.


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