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Journey to Japan: Update

For those of you paying attention (which I admit is not many) you will have noticed that my ‘Journey to Japan’ series has come to a screeching halt. Well, that is quite a big reason for that, and it is that my trip to Japan has once again been postponed. At this point, after 3 years of trying to get out there, it does somewhat feel that some benevolent force is laughing in my face and keeping me from this trip. However, that has nothing to do with film reviews so let’s cut to the chase and explain this review series going forward. Well, in positive news I do have a tentative date set for my trip, which will be March to May 2024, so the end is insight. This means that there will be a hell of a lot more of these reviews going forward as there is quite a long space of time from when I am writing this to when I will be travelling. And, with the delay in my trip has also come with a rather exciting addition as I will now also be having a short stopover in South Korea. As a result, from next Sunday (28th May) the ‘Journey to Japan’ series will die and the ‘Journey to Japan and Korea’ series will rise from its ashes. This will add to the variety of films I review and that can only be a good thing. Anyway, that was just a quick update, and I shall see you with a new and updated series next Sunday!


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