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Mickey's Christmas Carol: A classic tale told at breakneck speed.

Just a super quick one for today, both because I’m super busy today and, also, Mickey’s Christmas Carol (1983) is just shy of thirty minutes long. And a quicker review also speaks to the feel of the film because it moves along at pace. Although it is only short, to begin with, it feels like it is over no sooner than it has begun. This is not a criticism of the film; in fact, I think that the film’s ability to tell the ‘Christmas Carol’ story in such a condensed and quick-paced way and still have it feel somewhat rewarding shows the power of the original story and the skill of the filmmakers. And, of course, the film is filled with all your classic Disney characters, and they all get their little moments to shine. There are some fun slapstick moments and some genuinely quite funny lines of dialogue which means it has something for older and younger audiences. But, at the end of the day, this is made for kids, and I can imagine if I had seen this as a child it would probably be a staple of mine because it is good. Now as an adult I can’t imagine I’ll return to it much, but I appreciate it for what it is and if I was to come back, it would be for the animation itself which is really solid. Overall, a pretty good adaptation of a classic tale which I think still very much works for kids and is solid enough that adults will enjoy it too. One gripe I do have is that the Ghost of Christmas Present calls Scrooge and Englishman when he clearly has a Scottish accent, but we can forgive it for that.


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