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The Princess Switch: Conflict, who needs it?

And so, we have arrived at the first film in this trilogy. The Princess Switch (2018) was the first in what has become an almost yearly series with the third film being released this year, and you best believe we are going to get to them. But you can’t start anywhere but the beginning so here we go. The film follows Stacey De Novo (Vanessa Hudgens), a baker from Chicago, who is invited to the annual Christmas baking competition held in Belgravia. She is convinced to compete by her sous chef and best friend, Kevin (Nick Sagar), and while there she bumps into the Prince of Belgravia’s fiancé, Lady Margaret Delacourt (Vanessa Hudgens), who has an uncanny resemblance to Stacey. Wishing to live a normal life for a short time before her wedding, Margaret asks Stacey to swap places with her. Stacey agrees, but the situation becomes complicated when both Stacey and Margaret start falling for the Prince and Kevin receptively.

I might as well let you all know right off the bat that I didn’t like this film. Is anyone surprised? You could just look at the poster for the film and tell that this was not going to do anything for me. But I am aware that I am also definitely not the demographic for this film, and there is definitely an audience for these kinds of films. You know the ones. The really easy, Christmas rom-coms in the Hallmark mode, and this is Netflix’s attempt to get in on that market. I wanted to say this before I go into the full review because I am not going to be particularly kind. That is also not saying that I think this film is completely horrible. Firstly, it is competently made. Okay, that may not sound like a stretch of a compliment, but it is. The film clearly has care put into it and, while it isn’t the most exciting in terms of its editing and shot choice, it does the job that is needed. All the actors are also bought in and play the tone well. No one is too serious or over the top, landing at the right level for what the film is with their performances. Vanessa Hudgens accent when she is Margaret is a little off at times, but then again the character is from some non-existent country so I suppose her accent could be whatever she wanted it to be so it’s fine. And I think that is where my niceties towards the film ends. You can’t say I didn’t try.

Okay, so I have some minor issues and some major issues with this film. Well, a major issue is probably more accurate, but we will get to that later. The minor issues are easier to look past because they are more results of just the kind of film this is. The most obvious thing to point out is that the film is so saccharine. This is, of course, entirely the point of the film so for people who like these kinds of films it hits that tone pretty perfectly. But for me, it just grates. Everything is too clean and sleek, and the overly sentimental nature of the whole experience is not one I’m here for. Another minor issue is just that the film isn’t funny. It is a rom-com that didn’t make me laugh even once. Again, the humour style fits the kind of film this is, pretty easy going and relaxed, but it doesn’t work for me at all. An example is a joke that is continuously used where Stacey and Margaret pretending to be each other will say something to which someone will say ‘but I thought you said something to the contrary’ which of course leads to hijinks and misunderstandings, and they reuse this joke over, and over, and over. But again, I’m sure these jokes work for someone. These are issues I can look past when criticising as I can recognise that it is a matter of taste rather than quality. What I can’t defend though is the films complete lack of conflict, more specifically lasting conflict with repercussions. There are no repercussions for anything in this film at all. When they got caught out for having switched places for two days, no consequences or anything like that, everything is just good. Usually, with films like this, there will be a fallout of some kind, but then the characters will realise they do love each other and get back together for the final act. No, just everything goes right for everyone without issue. This is the most obvious example of this in this film, but it is all over the place. The two most heinous examples of this genuinely annoyed me. The first is when the King, who is suspicious that who he thinks is Margaret may be up to something and tells the Queen that he doesn’t like what is going on. But the Queen says the prince is falling in love though and that is all that matters, and the King is just like ‘alright’. One line of dialogue and the issue is sorted. The worst example of this though comes when a rival baker to Stacey sneaks into the kitchen the night before the competition and cuts the wire on Stacey’s blender. So, when the competition rolls around Stacey can’t puree the berries or some shit, so Kevin tells her she needs to do it by hand. Oh no, what are they going to do? How are they going to get out of this? Well, in the next fucking scene the cake is just fucking done. Are you kidding me?! Why bother to have that scene at all if it leads to absolutely nothing It really annoyed me. And finally, I want to mention one particular moment that made me nearly throw up. This is when Kevin and Margaret, pretending to be Stacy, decide to watch a film and there is a genuine shot of the TV as they scroll through Netflix Original movies. Kill me.

I did not expect that my criticisms of this film would go on for so long, so I apologise for what turned into a bit of a rant. And from that, you would probably think that I hated this film, and that isn’t true. Obviously, I didn’t like it very much, but it wasn’t heinous. It wasn’t completely crap; it just isn’t for me. And yes, it does have some major issues when it comes to conflict and giving any actions consequences, but again it is meant to be an easy, turn your brain off kind of film so whatever. If you’re into that kind of thing give it a go, although I wouldn’t personally recommend it. And I can’t say I am looking forward to watching two more of these films before the month is over.


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